
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Hi, I usually try to write these bios in the third person but not today. My friendship with Sam Stirling is the longest lasting friendship of my life. I would not be the person I am today without his humour and kindness. Thank you for listening to season 2 of Let You Down, this felt like the most appropriate way to end it.
Our theme song was composed by J. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring the song Tough Kid by Skye Wallace
You can follow Cailen on Instagram AND Twitter
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Would you be shocked to find out your host is a recovering theatre kid? Would you want to hear an interview with one of his first theatre instructors? Well good because that's what you're getting. Dustin Harvey describes himself as an artist who works hard to develop projects that speak both to him and others about the beauty found in a shared experience. He's here to talk about creativity, collaboration and belly dancing.
Our theme song was composed by J. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring the song Time's Altar by Ocean Charter Of Values
You can follow Cailen on Instagram AND Twitter
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Thursday May 30, 2024
Thursday May 30, 2024
Describing herself as "professionally clumsy" Jessie Brown is a powerhouse vocalist and an A-1 friend. After a whirlwind worldwide year she has settled down as a vocal coach in New Zealand. But before that there were bar bands, tour nightmares, and Pantera t-shirts. This is the first episode of Let You Down to be recorded remotely in separate locations and I bet you wouldn't have even noticed if I didn't tell you just now and several times throughout the interview. Oops.
Our them song was composed by J. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring the song The Nothing Answered Back by Josaleigh Pollett
You can follow Cailen on Instagram AND Twitter
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Kim Carson is a musician, a visual artist, a business owner and one of the funniest people ever. She's here to talk about growing up ~not in a cult~ and finding your people.
Our them song was composed by J. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring the song Hitch Your Horse by The Mouthbreathers
You can follow Cailen on Instagram AND Twitter
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Thursday May 16, 2024
Thursday May 16, 2024
The very first episode of Let You Down featured the quote "Thank you Sarah Budgell, for everything." And now they've made it on to the show to talk about community theatre, family and unionizing your workplace.
Our them song was composed by J. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring the song Moving Backwards by Safeword
You can follow Cailen on Instagram AND Twitter
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
Let You Down is back! Ontario ex-pat and honorary Haligonian Dan Marsh is here to slurp coffee and talk about their feelings; and they're all out of coffee. Absolutely not to be confused with Episode 4 - Daniel.
Our them song was composed by J. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring the song Energy by Book Buddies
You can follow Cailen on Instagram AND Twitter
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
You've waited long enough. You have been waiting right? This is like the podcast event of the year for you right? Let You Down is back next week with a brand new six episode season and you can't contain yourself RIGHT?
Our theme song is by j. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
It's the season finale y'all! Trying something new here Emmy Alcorn is the Artistic Director of Mulgrave Road Theatre and Ian Pygott, now retired, served a long tenure as the technical director of Festival Antigonish. Thirty two years ago they embarked on a long-term collaboration resulting in the creation of this very podcast. They're my parents is what I'm trying to get across.
Our theme song is by j. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring music by Diane Alcorn
Promotional consideration by No, It's Fine.
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre
Let You Down will return. I promise.

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Less of an interview and more of a love letter from one Pisces to another. Art Ross is a singer, songwriter, teacher and good pal. Ugh like truly they're just the best. You listen you'll see.
Our theme song is by j. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring music by Pillow Fite
Their new EP Flutter is streaming everywhere now
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Part two of the "friends who saved me" duology of Let You Down episodes features a conversation with Uncle Laura Fraser. You know how sometimes people are bad eggs or good eggs? Well Laura is probably the best egg of them all. Listen and find out more.
Our theme song is by j. Strautman
Our artwork is by Izra Fitch
Featuring music by The Attempted Murder of Laura Jean
Thank you to Mulgrave Road Theatre
P.S Duology is a pretty fancy word for a podcast like this, how about a like and subscribe because of how impressed you are by it?